Hapū Hauora has been developed specifically by Hauora Tairāwhiti and Toi Te Ora Public Health for whānau and hapū with input from Māori health staff, and a reference group consisting of active hapū and marae members who also work in the health sector. Hapū Hauora's development has been informed by experts in the health field, including Medical Officers of Health and content sourced from reputable organisations and providers.
Hapū Hauora is a free resource which will help you learn new skills and get plenty of ideas to help make the healthy choice the easy choice at your marae and home. It has lots of tools and tips to help you, your whānau and hapū to:
- eat healthy
- be smokefree
- avoid infections
- reduce alcohol consumption
- be active.
In the near future there will also be resources and tips available to help you, your whānau and hapū to reduce alcohol intake and be more physically active. Subscribe to our pānui to stay up to date with the latest news from Hapū Hauora.
For more information call 0800 221 555.