Restricted visiting at Planet Sunshine and neonates

Planet Sunshine nurses

Pictured Front L-R: Tamara Thomson-Tata, Natasha Keown, Eleanor Burnett, Dona Sobin

Back L-R: Emma Zame, Michelle Lyons, Richelle Tarsau, Mary Stonehouse, Jennie Lodge


Help us keep our tamariki and pepi safe.

With occurrences of respiratory illnesses on the rise, visiting restrictions will be introduced for our children's ward Planet Sunshine.

The new visitor policy includes the following measures to keep our tamariki and pepi safe:

  • If you are unwell or have respiratory symptoms, please stay home.
  • Only parents, grandparents and siblings aged five and over may visit a child at Planet Sunshine or the neonatal unit.
  • Two visitors per child only will be permitted at any one time.

While Tairāwhiti is not currently seeing children and babies with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) to the same levels as many other hospitals across Aotearoa, this could change quickly, particularly with people travelling out of the district over the school holidays. 

Adults can protect our tamariki by staying home if unwell and staying away from young children where possible.

Wash your hands often with soap and water, cough or sneeze into your elbow, and wear a mask if your may be infectious.

If your baby or child has a fever, runny nose or cough, please keep them at home. Encourage them to drink normally and if they feel miserable, giving them some paracetamol may help. If they cannot drink well or are working harder to breathe, it is important to have them assessed by a doctor or nurse.

If you are worried about your infant or child, please call Healthline 0800 611 116 or your GP practice.

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